Wednesday, January 12, 2011


T minus 6 days until the first exam, am I ready? most definitely, 100% not. have I done any work today? no, because I've packed everything!
Back up to Notts this evening. Then the plan is to spend as much time as possible for the 2 exams I've got.
Tuesday 4.30pm - Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Actually, the quantum half of the exam'll be alright if I can keep a grip on the maths (yes-Schrodinger does feature quite heavily in this!). The spectroscopy, well, I'm hoping it'll all click into place soon. It all seems to be relatively logical (even if I can't see the point of it!), I just can't grasp a lot of the principles. But there is still time!
Friday 4.30pm -Atmospheric Chemistry. If this was my only exam this session, I'd like to think I'd do amazingly in it, but what with the other module to work on I'm not so sure. This is almost 100% based on learning facts, with a few calculations and equations to keep it interesting. Unfortunately, much of the material is somewhat dry - for instance, we go into A LOT of detail about ozone chemistry.

Just as I have for the last week, I expect you won't be hearing from me until after exams as I need to focus. In-between all the panicked revision I've got to get in a couple of training rides (and I have to eat and sleep at some point too!).

As far as my topic of discussion I just want to mention science publicity. Horizon did a great program this week with Ben Miller talking about temperature. As with the series the BBC did on chemistry and the periodic table, I think it was done well. Enough information to keep people who are "in the know" interested, but there wasn't too much terminology etc. to stop people that we just curious from learning. In my opinion that sort of program is something we need more of, and perhaps an hour earlier in the day as well so that a few more youngsters might just watch it.

With the exception of the pharmaceutical energy science seems pretty bad press. After all science is responsible for things like nuclear weapons, poisons and making engines which produce greenhouse gases. Its seen as people working in labs, and for many it is assumed to be just too difficult.

So my take home message is get out there and do some science!

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