Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Had real good fun riding today, it was a tad too warm, I barely beat my time and I thought my legs my drop off at one point but boy did it feel good!

I said I enjoyed the feel of the mountain bike the other day, and I did, and I really do miss mountain biking, but with the tri bars on the road bike I can really get some speed going and sustain it for a decent amount of time - putting the limits of my endurance and speed back on my legs and lungs rather than my arm.

I've still had to come home and ice the elbow, and I know I wouldn't want to go much further due to discomfort and pain but it's nice to feel a bit more free again.  Whether it's 30+mph down a hill or15-20 on the flat (less so the dying on the way up), it's just nice.  Better than nice but I can't think of an appropriate word.

Much of the 1 hour and 1 minute I was riding for was spent thinking about nothing but breathing and moving my legs as fast as I could (it's during this time that I pull my "Bradley Wiggins TT face") but there are of course times when the mind wanders too, it always seems to go to the same place, thankfully I always seem to come to the same conclusion which is good, because it's not too late to change my mind but if I can always convince myself I'm doing the right thing, then I must be, right?

Aside from riding I've had a bit of a chance to rest today, an extra half an hour in bed meant I was much more alert for a trip out, and then when I came back I could sit in the garden and read for a while.  My pile of things to read is growing faster than I'm reading at the moment so I really ought to get a move on!  Every time I sit down with a book I always wonder why I don't do it more often, I really do love throwing myself into an imagined world!

Pile of things to read:

Also, a picture I saw on facebook today, showing a microscope's view of sand.  How awesome is this?

2012 cycling: 171.07 miles

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