Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Today has been a bit non-distinct.  I have mainly been reading today (I'm allowed a day to do nothing once in a while, right?).  Got to the end of the book I started yesterday which is always good.  Apart from the ending thing, I like being immersed in the story so don't like it when they finish! Probably why I look it when there's lots of books about the same characters...

It's also been wet, I've mainly been inside.  But it rained.  A lot.

Although the sun came out in time for dog walking, as we were passing we took Dobby to somewhere I used to enjoy riding...

*looks longingly at the sunny singletrack* 

Sorry, I'm a little bit grumpy tonight.  My arm hurts and I've spent too long with only the inside of my brain for company so feeling a bit hopeless.  Sure I'll be alright after a cuppa and a sleep though!  And Family Guy, got back into that recently too.

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