Monday, March 5, 2012


OK, so today was the first time I've had to do any "real" chemistry in a lab in around a year. Lack of practice, rubbish arm and knowing how much is riding on marks from labs at the moment I was a bit apprehensive. More than a bit 'cos I couldn't even manage breakfast this morning!

Our schedule was looking tight, lots of stuff to get done.

Now brace yourselves for this. It was actually OK. Got a pat on the back from our amazing GSK mentor because we worked hard, and well as a team and are now ahead of time! (assuming death by TLC tomorrow yields the results we want!).

Only had to steal someone's arm a couple of times and somehow managed to do most things right handed (and only stabbed myself with hypodermic needles twice!), my product was the second to be columned, and the first persons had failed so I was a bit worried at this point, because it was getting late in the day. But it appears to have done OK so we'll find out for sure tomorrow.

In our group's super organisedness we managed to get reactions set up which we weren't supposed to be starting until next week which is always good. A bit of breathing space should we need it now! Not seeing our GSK mentor for 2 more weeks. This worries me because not only is he a really nice guy he's helpful and kept us on track (and answered all our stupid questions!).

I also seem to have got over my fear of the rotary-evaporator with help from a nice demonstrator! Now only slightly worried that it'll cause my product to spontaneously combust or something....

In summary - I can apparently do a reductive amination and deprotection without anything horrible happening, and doing things under nitrogen doesn't makes things that much more difficult when you're allowed to use balloons!

Here's some science happening...

Yes it even had a nice colour!

So tomorrow, numerous hours of TLCs (oh the joy...), 1 lecture and then home to...oh some more!

Despite 9-5 at uni today I have managed to be reasonably organised! Doctor's appointment booked - 5.20 pm on Friday, I'm going to regret that aren't I? And got the ball rolling with volunteering for St. Johns Ambulance, the chap I've been speaking to seems really nice. Hopefully get going with that over Easter, and then continue once uni has finished! Should be fun (I'd been meaning to do it for the last 2 year!), and I would imagine looks reasonable on a med school application...

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